Thursday, February 14, 2013


This is completely from my heart...

Four years ago I was in a awful relationship (which I later figured out that he was cheating on me).

It was valentine's Day and I knew when I got home that there would not be anything waiting on me, although that was not the reason why this night ended up this way, the real reason was because I knew that I would be ignored... again, like I had been lately. It was slowly eating away at my soul and I was starting to believe that maybe I wasn't worthy of being loved by someone. I had been trying to make my relationshit (yes, I meant to type it like that) work for the last four months with no a due. Needless to say that I was miserable, I was working at a restaurant and when one of the cook had brought roses in for all of the girls that worked that night I lost my edge and broke down, I couldn't take it. I cried, no one knew what to do and they ran for one of my best friend's, who also didn't know what to do (because I'm not one for letting my emotions show especially at this time) anyways... I left and went home shortly after where I was again ignored.

I go to sleep sad and when I wake up I go in directly to work again, where I am working with the best group of people ever. When I approach the bar, which I was working that morning, I see a dozen roses and a card lying on the bar for me, I instantly knew that they were from my friends, and I broke down and began to cry. Although I have a feeling that it was intentionally one person's idea in particularly I know that everyone else meant what they wrote, but for anyone, at this time, to take the time to show me that they cared was astonishing to me. This little notion that they did changed me forever and since then I normally try to be upbeat and happy. They changed me that day, they made me realize that I was worthy of something more than I was currently receiving and that I deserved to be happy. That card with all of those meaningful words on it brought me strength to move on with my life, and I can honestly say that they brought that to me.

I then in the following days ended my relationshit and the following week moved out, where I moved in with one of those important people and who happened to be my favorite roommate ever.

Two months later I met my husband at a concert, which I had attended with my roommate.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that I don't owe a huge percentage of my happiness to her, and the only thing that I would ever wish for her and the rest of the group whom I have come to love with my whole heart is for each and every one of them to be extremely happy in their lives.

Since the years where they had a hand in helping me heal, we are not able to see each other as much as we want, and within the next few weeks that chance will dwindle more, but I do know that I will always hold this special part in my heart for these friends that where so caring for me over the years, and I know that it is a true friendship because no matter how much time goes between us seeing one another once we get back together it's as if no time has past... So do something to make someone smile or laugh, because sometimes it's the things that we find insignificant that may change someone's life.

"Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates, and guys are just people to have fun with. " -Sex and the City

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