Tuesday, November 13, 2012

the impatient writer

I think one of the most frustrating things in life is learning to have patience... I do not have much patience and I am known to jump off the handle about useless things. As some people who may... or may not... read this I have posted the first few chapters of my book on feedbooks so that people can read the beginning of it and see if they like it... or not... I hope that they do, and although it has been downloaded on there 444 times (at least that is what the website is telling me) I feel like people still do not know about it. I only wish that more people would read it. I want to entertain people... that is my goal. I have sold 4 books (that I am aware of... the other problem with smashwords is that you cannot see the amount of books that you have actually sold until it is reported to them... as of now it is showing that it is up to date from August to September... AWESOME I know right...) which I guess is alright considering that it is my first novel and that it has only been out for 3 weeks, but I just wish that more people would read it. I'm not trying to complain just thought that this might be good for someone to read that is in the same situation.

Here's a song to cheer everyone's spirits... especially mine. Brian Fallon from The Gaslight Anthem (my favorite) and The Horrible Crowes
Yes, I know that I have posted a few videos from TGA... it's because I adore them and I could listen to this man sing all day!!!

Hope everyone has a magical day and do something to make someone else smile...

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