Wednesday, October 31, 2012

the exhausted insomniac.

I feel sometimes that I have to split my life. I am worlds worst for writing and even sometimes editing my stories and work while I am at my actual paying job. I certain that one day I will get into trouble for doing so. :/
I am so exhausted from trying to slam everything into my life that I cannot even sit and think straight, but at the same time I have approximately 13 pages left of the first edit on my third story (which at this moment is my favorite) but I am having a dilemma  I do not want to go to sleep because I want to finish, but I can barely keep my eyes open. So I think that I will succumb to sleep right after I move myself away from the computer.

Here's my daily song for everyone... I have been listening to this CD since yesterday and it has motivated me into editing my story... oh and F me... I managed to throw away some of my ideas for rewrites in my story and my playlist... :(

Hope you all have a magically day... and be sure to make someone smile! 


Friday, October 26, 2012

the satisfied writer.

Alright so I have a sinking suspicion that zero people have read this but whatever maybe one day.

I'm beyond thrilled for multiple reasons.

  1. My first book "Hate Me" has finally been accepted into the premium catalog within samaswords... which means within a few weeks that my first novel will be available on multiple devices... 
  2. I have finished doing the first edit on my second novel
  3. I have started doing a first edit on my third novel (which was my favorite to write)
  4. I have figured out a name for the second novel... (I started writing it in July and just figured out a name)
  5. I have almost finished the front cover art for the second novel (which I <3)
  6. I got my paperback copy of my first novel.
I am hoping that this is the beginning of something amazing!!!
Here's a picture of my first novel.

Check it out... :)

quote for the day
"You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it"
                  -Benjamin Mee  We bought a Zoo 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

the insomniac

My anniversary was yesterday (YAY!!). hubby said he was going to get me my tattoo I have been wanting for awhile... so, in what better way, with me attempting to start this writing career and with him getting out of the marine corps, than for me to get "refuse to sink" tattooed on my foot. I love it and love the symbolic meaning behind it.

I am making this promise to myself... I will not give up on my writing dream until I have managed to make something of myself... I'm not asking to be famous... I just want to write something that outlives me!

Monday, October 22, 2012

the excited writer...

I published a short novel a couple of days ago... (here it is on amazon for kindle. The paperback will be ready shortly!)

As sad as it sounds I had one person download it... I was more than excited... the most exciting $2 that I have ever made!

I am currently in the process of finishing/editing my second novel (which is about the same length) I am hoping to put that one out soon.

I like to think that if I completely work my ass of at this and if I am extremely nice to people I will make something out of myself... here's for hoping...

I created an author page of facebook... if anyone reads this and is interested here's the link

This is a playlist that I have manage to put together for my story!

A Day to Remember- You Had Me at Hello

 Pink- Split Personality

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Guardian Angel

The Gaslight Anthem- Great Expectations

Breaking Benjamin- Sooner or Later

Breaking Benjamin- Dear Agony

NewFoundLand- Stay with Me

Blue October- Hate Me

Theory of a Deadman- Santa Monica

Ateryu- Wait For You

The Early November- 1,000 Times a Day

Saturday, October 20, 2012

the angry editor...

Beginners mistake... 

forgetting to indent the entire story.... 

please shoot me already... this is taking forever!!!! AHH

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

the frustrated editor...

I have one thing to say about editing... IT EFFING BLOWS!!! I generally love writing but going through my story and working out the kinks (although I like my story... it makes me smile and makes me sad all at the same times... Good thing I have Brain Fallon singing in my background to make me enjoy this whole process anymore. (FYI... Brain Fallon is the singer in The Gaslight Anthem and The Horrible Crowes.... if you haven't heard about them you should check them out right... now) I'm hoping that since the story that I am editing is my first one that I have written in years that it will get better the more I write... because this seems to have a problem with present tense... (BLAH)

this is a problem that I feel I need to work on, and I am pretty positive that I have caught them all so far!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The low esteemed writer...

I finished my third story a few days ago... overwhelmed with joy in fact! Now, my problem happens to be that I am completely petrified to publish them. I am terrified to get that one ounce of negative feedback that will completely crush my entire being. I never ever write a bad review about a movie, book, music anything... because well I can understand from their standpoint. They spill their soul into this [insert which ever media outlet] and then someone comes and talks about how awful it was; how they hated it... I understand constructive criticism but I have learned throughout life that many people can be completely hateful and mean. How do I build my esteem up to the point where I can put myself out there without wanting to be crushed?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The aspiring writer

I come home some nights and create ideas in my mind. I write them down and sometimes when I read over them I realize that they are indeed not very good. I do not have a degree, and I have a job that sometimes irritates me more than anything else, but when I create these images and these unique places I become so engrossed with them that I am not sure if they are mine or if I am reading the work of someone else. I will think about a story that I have been completely focused on and will catch myself thinking "What book was that again?... Oh, yes... that is the one that I have been writing," this fact makes me happy. I hope that one day I can call myself a real writer instead of someone who is trying to break through in this career..